Home Positive Words Health What Can The Color Of Urine Say About Your Health?

What Can The Color Of Urine Say About Your Health?


We rarely pay attention to the color of our urine, but we can learn a lot about the state of our body’s inner health by looking at what it releases externally.

The varying colors and smells of urine indicate numerous health conditions, and they’re worth knowing. Urine consists of roughly 95% water, creatinine, potassium and urea, and the color is affected by levels of hydration, diet, as well as other more severe conditions. While the most common color of urine is yellow, it’s not always the case.

Read Below To See What The Color Of Urine Can Say About Your Health:


The body is well hydrated and you’ve likely consumed a lot of water recently. Creatinine, urea, potassium have been dissolved in both organic and inorganic areas and your body is functioning normally.

Light Yellow

This is the optimal color of health. The body is well-hydrated you’re in good health.

Medium Yellow

The is normal and healthy, but could use a bit more hydration. Drink more water.

Dark Yellow

This is a sign of dehydration. Drink plenty of water and re-hydrate.

Amber or Honey

The body is dehydrated and needs more water. This color may also be a sign of having ingested too much vitamin B. Hydrate by drinking water within the next few hours.

Light Brown

This can mean severe dehydration, and in some cases liver disease. The anti-malaria medication chloroquine or the metronidazole antibiotic can cause the color of urine to turn brown. If the color persists after drinking water and after several times, visit your doctor.

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In most cases, small initial amounts of cloudy urine indicate mild dehydration, but persistent cloudy urine could indicate a bladder infection caused from the excess mucus or proteins broken down in the body.

Pink or Red

Pink or red urine can either mean you’ve consumed a large amount of red foods lately, such as beets or food with large amounts of red food coloring, or it may indicate blood in the urine. After intense workouts people rarely but sometimes experience a small amount of pink urine. It can also be a warning sign of kidney disease, a tumor, a urinary tract infection, prostate problems or mercury poisoning. Being deficient in iron or having difficulty metabolizing iron can also be a cause.


If you haven’t consumed any food or drinks containing orange dye in it, orange urine is likely a sign of dehydration. More serious medical conditions indicated by orange urine are having a liver or bile duct condition. Orange urine can also be due to gallstone obstacles in the bile duct.

Blue or Green

Certain foods and drinks that contain high amounts of artificial coloring such as jello and kool-aid can cause urine to turn slightly blue or green, and this is the most likely case for these colors. Medications, laxatives, chemotherapy drugs, and vitamins can also contain strong food dyes that change urine color.

In very rare cases, blue or green urine can result from a genetic disorder called hypercalcemia, and also from a specific form of UTI called a Proteus infection.

It’s a good idea to monitor your body and to stay up to date with how your urine color is doing. If your urine color shows signs other than clear or yellow, and you haven’t consumed any food dyes, it’s a good to have a chat with your doctor to find out what the cause might be. Doctors are able to perform a urinalysis which usually can detect any significant health issues that are not visible to the human eye.

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