Home Positive Words Quotes Seeing your Grandkids excited to see you coming is the best feeling...

Seeing your Grandkids excited to see you coming is the best feeling in the world


Seeing your Grandkids excited to see you coming is the best feeling in the world.

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The Love between a Grandmother and Granddaughter is Forever.

Our greatest Blessings call us Grandma and Grandpa.

Seeing your Grandkids get excited when they see you coming is the best feeling in the world.

The laugh of a Grandchild is the favorite symphony of a Grandparent.

Hearing Your Child/Grandchild say I LOVE YOU is like winning the lottery.

If you were blessed enough to know your Grandma, what is the one thing you remember most about her?

Being a Mother is the most important job in the world. Being a Grandmother is the Most Fun.

A pretty face gets old, a nice body will change, but a Good Woman will always be a Good Woman.

Cherish your Life. Cherish your Family. Cherish your Friends. Cherish your Health. For these are the things that money can’t buy and will define your true wealth.

To all my Family and Friends who listen to me when I’m angry, hug me when I’m sad, and laugh with me (or sometimes at me) whenever they can. I just wanted to say Thank You for being there for me. And I just wanted to tell you I love you!

Spend Time with your parents, treat them well. Because one day when you look up from your phone, they won’t be there anymore.

Wouldn’t you like to step back in time and take a walk with your dad?

When your parents are not rich but still afford to give you a Beautiful life, Appreciate their Sacrifices.

Mama, I wish you were here to remind me that everything is gonna be okay.

The most precious jewels you’ll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children.

A Grandma has Ears that Truly Listen, Arms  that Always Hold, Love that’s Never-Ending, and a Heart that’s Made of Gold.

Grandchildren are some of the greatest gifts our heart will ever know.

Maybe, when this is all over, we’ll have more patience with ourselves and others. Maybe, we’ll remember we really are on this planet together and that we’re not really that different. Maybe, we’ll be able to forgive our family and friends a little sooner, and drop those judgments that keep us from talking to find a solution. Maybe, we’ll remember to love each other just a little bit more. Maybe.
Dr. Shawne Duperon

Who can say they love being a Grandma?

A Grandmother thinks about her Grandchildren Day and Night. Even if they are not with her, They Are Always In Her Heart.

Being a Grandma doesn’t make me old, it makes me Blessed.

There are no Perfect Parents and there are no Perfect Children, but there are plenty of PERFECT MOMENTS along the way.

The most precious jewels you’ll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children.

It’s not how big the house is; It’s how Happy the Home is.

If years after you are grown, you think back on your Father and your Childhood, and you Smile, you were raised by a Great Man.

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